Friday, February 20, 2015

What is your Spirit path? (RePost from Summer 2013)

For such a long time I was a seeker.  I enjoyed it all, each spiritual practice I investigated felt like a wonderful inner adventure.  I learned and grew as my way of viewing others and the world expanded.  After my childhood and teens experimenting with a few religions, I concluded formal religious practice was not for me.  And so, I moved into psychology and then free thinking and then eastern spiritual practice.  I look back and tend to smile – I did take it all rather seriously.  And, I wonder, whatever was I seeking?  And, for so long?  Yet, in the end, it all just feels like ‘my path’.

These days I am stabilized in a spiritual practice that feels right for me.  I have come from searching “out there” to realizing, it all lies within.   The time we spend learning to just be with ourselves, to observe, to question, to contemplate, to enjoy solitude, and finally, to simply hear the wisdom in wonderful deep silence itself is like gold in our lives.  We are nurturing that inner Light; our very own Godliness or Buddha nature and even when we stumble, it’s all good.  The answers unfold, the peace comes, and we find we can simply relax into what IS.

The rhythms and movements of nature, as always, are a huge part of my sense of connection and aliveness.  It can feel wonderful but also overwhelming to imagine how we are a part of everything in the universe, the planets, the stars, and the sky – all the forces of nature we observe and experience!  To honor that connection whole heartedly and consciously bring it into my life, I spend time celebrating each Season as it begins. Sometimes I find myself at the ocean, sometimes the mountains and woods, one’s own patio, whatever is at hand - step out, connect and then - create! I just created a mandala based upon my impression of a local meadow at peak of Spring, just as it gently melts into summer.  I slowed to savor the time and deeply feel it.

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