Sunday, December 21, 2014

October Brings Everything (RePost from Fall, 2012)

Life always seems to speed up with the arrival of the Fall season.  And, this year where I live, Fall came sharply.   A first thunder storm passed over just days into October.  Mother Nature reminds us that we are not in charge, things are about to shift and those warm, leisurely days of sand and sun will be slipping away.

Locally, October Open Art Studios begins, Oktoberfest is celebrated, and leaves crunch underfoot on my creek hike.  It occurs to me; everything happens in October! 
The meadow I pass several times a week looks as peaceful and striking as always.  It displays seasonal change but in a quiet way.  The mix of soft browns with smaller muted areas of color is not only home to tall grasses, wildflowers, redwoods rising up to the mountain tree line, but an abundance of animal life as well.  You can set your watch all year ‘round by when the deer come out to nibble.   Fleetingly, you can glimpse a half-seen coyote - its ears, back, and tail – trotting low through the brush.   Bunnies appear suddenly and disappear just as quickly.  And, of course squirrels.  Stand still and look straight up and you can see beautiful large birds – circling for prey – red tail hawk have a meal on their minds, searching, swooping straight down, rising up with that special ‘something’ caught in their beak. 

It all unfolds at a quick pace. The creek is rushing a little more; the water appears a little clearer, chillier, and deeper.  Dampness clings to rock and branch from the night before bringing the occasional neon touch of bright green to come.  We are witness to the amazing spectacle of color, action, change; everyone and everything is out and about; nature’s special treat before the first frost.  And, though we joyously observe, pausing to savor or grab at such moments…. November is suddenly here!

In the U.S. we have just left behind a bitter Presidential election.  And now I am looking straight into the usual holidays – Birthdays, Thanksgiving, and whatever stresses or releases these events bring on.  Evening darkness is arriving earlier.  I began using the heating system in the house this week and pulled out my faithful electric blanket.  At market I can’t find the light summer fruits or vegetables anymore and replace them with the new seasonal goodies.  Driven indoors much sooner, while I miss my usual treasured evening hike, I also feel the urge to hibernate, curl up on the bed with a new book.

My Fall season mandala offering is pictured here.  It’s a quick rendering of the aforementioned meadow at the peak of change. There are no mistakes here.  It is perfection; both the meadow itself (of course) but even my depiction of it.  Not the inauthentic perfection we often mistakenly strive for, but the natural living, moving perfection placed in front of our eyes by the divine miracle of Life and our expression of it. 

We do not point out how dried up blossoms are falling to the ground. We point to the beauty of the full bloom of ALL things happening now!  We stand in awe before the whole stupendous show and deeply understand that this is aliveness!  And, we know too, this seasonal peak reflects us, what we really are or long to be.  Whatever our various human dramas may hold they pale in comparison.  We have been pre-empted.  That is the magic of the season.  That is how October seems to bring ‘everything’.   And, so it is…….SENDING LOVE AND SMILES TO YOU ALL……….

“…Medicine wheel, the sacred hoop of life, in which all things end as they began:  in which the world was turned slowly but beautifully backwards, towards the freedom in Nature the ancestors knew…”  (Russell Means)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Create a Nature Mandala (RePost from April 2012)

Fly with an Eagle & Create a Nature Mandala 

Today I wanted to share a little about the practice of taking ‘nature-breaks’ as a way of going within and accessing our deeper self.  When we link-in to the natural rhythms of life we support our health on many levels including opening the door to an expansive, creative inner state.  Nature itself inspires and supports this process and it feels natural and inviting because it is. When resistance falls away we can become fully present with our surroundings. Life flows and time itself seems to expand.  

I saw this phenomena play out recently when I took a short drive to a local lake where two bald eagles had chosen to build a nest.  Photographers would gather daily with cameras whirring and clicking as they waited to catch a glimpse of these stately birds no matter how long it took.  When I arrived the blue sky was completely clear – and empty!  I became bored and decided to stay in my car in the parking area and read.  I began a new book called Finding Sanctuary in Nature, written by Jim Pathfinder Ewing.  

The author discusses ways to increase our appreciation of the natural and spiritual forces to be found in the world including animal life. His ideas are largely based upon Native American teachings concerning symbols, spirit guides and healing ceremonies.  Jim's writing is sensible and infectious and it took only a few paragraphs for me to realize that I needed to release my limited mood that day, or, I would never see an eagle fly!

I decided to take a couple of deep breaths and just relax.  Then, I looked up and out through the car window.  There to the right and heading my way was a huge, gorgeous bird.  It neared and began making circles over and over in the clear blue sky as it arrived directly above me.  I could not stop staring and slowly realized – it was an eagle! I watched and felt it was telling me something. Was it showing me how to fly perhaps? Spread my wings? Go with the wind?  I wondered if, in some energetic, vibrational way I could even possibly merge with that eagle life force!  It felt so expansive.  I continued to stare above. How easy it can be to relax and extend our inner self to actively become part of the wondrous  life that surrounds us.  You just have to do it! I watched until the eagle made higher and wider circles, floating back off into the distance.  I had seen what I had come for.

Our connection to Nature is always present and available whether we choose to notice it or not.  The book I was reading had reminded me of our own human capacity to expand our awareness by consciously and fully embracing what is directly in front of us.  I climbed out of the car and walked over to the little field nearby.  Pausing a moment in a clear space I began to gather what lay around me.  First some small stones, a few branches, fallen leaves, tiny pine cones and I began to form my circle.  I wanted to demonstrate the connection I was feeling.  I had decided to create a nature mandala – my small gift to the earth, my new eagle-friend and, ultimately, to myself.

As Jim states in his book:  "...key to creating a meaningful connection, it is necessary to recognize that you yourself contain forces of nature within and (be willing) to interact with the forces of nature outside of you….all that is needed is an open heart and an open mind…”

Creating a mandala on paper or in nature is enjoyable and very fulfilling because it is about giving open expression to an aspect of our inner-most self.  I encourage everyone to create a ‘mandala moment’ in nature.  Anytime, anywhere, just yourself or with a friend or family member.  Perhaps with a child or older person.  We can leave a beautiful footprint on our world creating a ‘sacred circle’ that speaks to all who have walked there before us, those who will walk there after us, and to our Mother Earth.  Blessings and much Love to you……

Introduction (RePost from Jan 2012)

Hello Friends -
I have finally found a bit of time to begin working on creating my Blog.  (In this case re-posting a number of earlier Blogs to 'catch up') Blogging was new to me then and I hope you will bear with me.

I'll start by sharing some thoughts regarding accessing our deeper being.  Why?  Because it is a first step in the fulfilling creation of personal mandalas, plus -  it's been shown to be very beneficial for the healthy body-mind and we can all use more of that.

We have a place of calm and quiet deep within us.  The noise of outer activity, the call of obligations, the myriad thoughts that flash through our heads each day can, and do, often drown out the wonderful peaceful 'sound' of the stillness within. However, we possess the power to turn our thoughts and take a needed break.

Let's sit down, close our eyes, notice the soft inhale-exhale of our breath and settle for a few minutes in our precious heart-center.  Here is where we need to be to stay connected to peace and replenishment.  And, while it feels like a respite for the mind it is also a healing balm for the body.  Even 5-7 minutes can restore as we reconnect to our inner being and remember that we possess a divine spirit, in fact, we all are - divine spirits.  Breathing quietly, stay seated and calm for as long as time allows and from the heart center think in terms of gratitude.  Perhaps gratitude for simply this very moment! Or gratitude for anything else that comes to mind.  Gratitude is a sacred state and there is no ego attachment, only a feeling of contentment and even wonder.  It is from this quiet, inner place that we can feel the love and abundance in our universe and remember who we really are.

Once you feel a sense of comfort and peace, allow it to spread throughout your body-mind.  Take a longer, deeper breath and slowly open your eyes.  Things look  different, don't they?  This is a beautiful point from which we can begin to take up our pencil and slowly draw a circle as we consider what might fill it.  If we like, this can be the point of beginning our mandala drawing.

I am happy to be here with you and I look forward to sharing thoughts, suggestions, articles and art all related to our Mandala Moments in life.

Happy Day!  Chandra