Friday, February 20, 2015

Dancing with the Unexpected (RePost from October 2013)

Haven’t we all experienced times when, due to an unforeseen occurrence, our best laid plans seem to just disintegrate before our eyes?  Suddenly all momentum is halted, knocking us off track, causing disappointment, frustration and dashing our hopes.  (Recently, mine came in the form of my computer crashing and taking my blog posts with it.)

In his book Finding Sanctuary in Nature Jim PathFinder Ewing tells us how in Native American culture, any powerful and disruptive force is often seen as a ‘Trickster’ and perceived as a particular animal.  Depending upon the tribe, Trickster is commonly seen as a Raven, Coyote or the Rabbit.   Exploring this tradition is a way of learning to recognize and overcome personal obstacles since these images are meant to reflect back to us, aspects of our own personalities.   Jim states: “Since this is actually the personality at work, observing and understanding the role of the Trickster helps us gain perspective on its antics and we become able to dismiss these occurrences not out of fear or anger but with awareness and acceptance.”  It’s our response to events that determines the outcome.

So, it follows that by valuing and respecting the presence of this Trickster we become stronger, more whole to ourselves and with that – we more deeply connect to the sacred within.    

In her wonderful system of creating collage cards as a means of connecting to our deeper self, Seena Frost, the founder of SoulCollage© makes sure to remind us that while we may create all sorts of collage cards, each representing an aspect of ourselves, we should never forget the ‘Fool’. 
The Fool represents the part of us that is spontaneous, playful, child-like and free.  When we have become too attached to our thinking, entrenched in routine, when we long to break out or just do something different for a change, time for the ‘Fool’ to call on you – a reminder to take a risk, make a change, be silly.  Much like the Trickster the Fool can emerge and surprise us in an unexpected form and moment. 

By understanding their roles we can identify and allow them to express a part of our Self that can be just as welcome as any other part of our personality.  Maybe even more so.  And, why not? These visitors shake up the ego! And, they’ll show up anyway.  While the ‘Fool’ and the ‘Trickster’ may seem to only annoy, tease or even shock, they bring an important message of surrender.  For when the pieces land, we have a new, often more satisfying, joyful, and complete way, of seeing things.  When we accept their presence we open to closer alignment with Spirit.

Beneath my grumbling, I am so grateful for my crashed computer last week.  Yes, really.  I had to surrender (give up any idea of control) and receive the gifts of the moment, of which there were many. The Universe is generous when we follow.  And, this brings me to the mandala I’ve chosen for this posting.  I call it ‘Dancing Queens’.  It is my reminder to expect the unexpected.  Play with it, DANCE, SING, and SHOUT! See you next time! 

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