Friday, February 20, 2015

Into the Unknown (RePost from August 2013)


(A Mandala for personal grounding)

Nearly a year ago, while thinking ahead to then upcoming Year 2013, I wondered what might be in store for me.   I was not interested in making lists of hoped-for accomplishments, goals and plans or creating a mental structure with any attempts at managing my time.  Efforting was not in the cards for me.  I drew a hazy mandala of a moon with only a heart at the center.  To me it signified a coming period of not-knowingness while holding to a path of love.  Wonderful, blessed time would unfold, I was sure.  Let it all happen, I was ready.

Though non-structure or non-planning is not really like me I was curious.  I adopted a relaxed focus of just ‘being’.  It felt natural to simply follow my intuition including doing some inner housekeeping.  So I released a couple of long standing group commitments, said goodbye and let them go. (They hadn’t really been working for me for awhile anyway.)  Then, I released one more after that.  As I created more ‘space’ in my life, there existed no shortage of new connections to slide in and fill up the vacancies.  Was I just trading in one set of habits, people, activities, for another?  What would be the point?  But, I allowed it all to just unfold unhampered by too much thinking.  And, very soon I realized there was a difference.  

The new year began by dishing out its challenges, none easy.  But, I also met new friends and the rhythm of my activities shifted.   We attract those who resonate with us at the same vibrational pitch and when that vibrational level changes, often so do our connections.  As time progressed, I found that somehow, I was managing to create a more deeply authentic and accepting way of responding and conducting my life.  Silence became more than an equal partner with the ‘noise’ of my days.  Knee-jerk responses disappeared as I slowed enough to just sit with things for a bit allowing them to settle.  The business of calmly ‘looking within’ had paid off as had learning to trust my intuition more fully.  I found lots more support and nurturance in my friendships.  I felt relaxed and content almost daily even with periodic uncertainty.  Shifting, changing, yes, but still very much me, for how far away from our basic true self do we ever actually get in life?  In fact, it seems our life’s journey is most often all about becoming more of who we are and who we are meant to be.

A wonderful writer, Jeff Brown, in his book Soulshaping puts it as follows:

Growing is all about leaps into the seeming unknown. Before you can find your way home, you must linger in the place of not knowing. Stay here until the next step organically arises. Sit until the questions that need to be lived show themselves. By surrendering to the unknown, you create the space for a deeper knowing to emerge.

Befriend your confusion. Don’t be fooled by its chaotic appearance—this is good confusion. It’s a sign that your soul is in transition. Welcome it as a friend that has come from far away to bring you home. Be open to it. Keep it close. Become a master of not knowingness. (Soulshaping) Jeff Brown


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